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A Premium Guest Posting Service

Every business that is serious about its online presence and search engine ranking results needs to do some guest posting. Guest posting, especially when done correctly, allows you to reach your target audience more effectively and even get noticed by bigger brands in your niche. We aim at providing the best premium guest posting service for all of our clients to ensure you get the results you want and keep trusting us with your SEO. Additionally, we even have a money-back guarantee, which forces us to do everything it takes to deliver our promises.

Our money-back guarantee

We want to give you the best link building service possible and if you’re not happy with your link then we’ll provide you with a full refund and take down the link.

How It Works

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Provide your link requirements when you place a guest posting service order through our order form. This allows us to build the best backlink possible.

Check Progress


Once we’ve written the content copy and found a relevant website to publish it on, we’ll contact you for approval before we send the content out.

get results

Backlink Created

As soon as the content is published by your approved publisher, we’ll send you an email with your new guest post backlink.

Reach High Authority Blogs

When it comes to guest posting and blogger outreach backlink quality and power, our guest posting services excel beyond the mainstream. We craft high quality content copy, which includes relevant information about your business with links that direct people to your website similar to our blogger outreach service. Our team then negotiates with a relevant blogger to have your piece of high quality content published on their blog, which drives traffic to your website and increases the authenticity of your website.

Our 4-Step Process


Identifying Target Pages

When you reach out to us, we show you all our guest posting service packages that you can choose from depending on your budget and website requirements. However, we can customize a guest posting package to fit your specific needs. So, we usually need you to tell us the Domain Authority and Page Authority of the website that you’d love your premium guest post to be published on. That way, we can look for sites that meet that standard. We also ask you to provide your website’s link and the keywords you want us to include in your content. If you don’t have any specific keywords, our SEO experts will help you find the most reliable ones.


Outreach & Pitching

After choosing a guest posting service package and providing all the needed details, we find a suitable website in our blog network. After finding blogs that meet your set requirements, we then contact you to choose one that is more suitable for your premium guest post. Afterwards, we come up with some content ideas to pitch to the bloggers. However, you can also suggest a topic if you have any in mind.


Content Creation

Our professional writers go through the target website’s guest post guidelines to ensure they follow every instruction to increase the chances of the article being approved. Our writers also make sure to write in your specified style while including the provided keywords to help the article rank high on Google search engine rankings result.



After the piece of content is written, thoroughly edited, and proofread by our professional content writers and editors, we submit the guest post to the blogger for publishing. We then contact you to inform you that your guest post  service order is complete and send a white label report so you can check everything out.


What Our Clients Say

Why choose our Guest Posting service?

Our guest posting services, also referred to as guest posting which is similar to our blogger outreach service, is the process of getting your article published on another website or blog. To do this, you need to first look for a site that accepts guest posts within your niche. That way, you will get a quality link that can help to boost your link profile. Guest posting services has several best practices that every business must follow to get excellent results. Some of these practices include:

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1. Be Specific

This means that you should focus on one niche because it helps you target more relevant blogs in your industry. If you target technology websites while you are a pet blog, your guest post will not reach the target audience, hence wasting your time and resources. Additionally, focusing on a specific niche allows you to write more on what you are conversant with, thus enabling you to produce high-quality content for your target audience.

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2. Look for relevant blogs

Now that you’ve chosen a specific niche to focus on, you need to find relevant blogs in your industry to contact for guest posting opportunities. Many online tools can help you find relevant blogs, but the easiest and cheapest way is through Google. Performing a Google search allows you to find niche-specific blogs to reach out to for guest posting opportunities. Also, there’s a higher chance that the blog you land on has linked to other authoritative websites you can also contact for more opportunities.

You can find bloggers on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Most bloggers usually include links to their website on their pages, which you can click to see if they are authorities in your niche. 

After noticing that certain bloggers are authorities in your niche, you can follow them and try commenting when they post something. Always ensure that your comments are insightful. This makes the blogger to notice you, making it easier to start a good relationship. That way, you become more memorable, increasing the likelihood of getting your guest post request accepted.

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3. Analyze the prospects

You must always analyze different target websites to check if they are authoritative enough. Getting your content published on a high-ranking site with a healthy backlink profileenables you to get high-quality backlinks, thus boosting your SEO results. Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) are some of the primary qualities you should look out for. To check for a site’s DA and PA, you can use a tool such as Moz.

Something else you should check is the type of content published on the website. Doing this helps you understand the quality level that the owner demands for guest posts.

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4. Reach Out 

After researching and finding great websites to publish your content on, now reach out to the webmasters. Depending on the type of website, you can contact the website owner or the editor if it’s a big company or magazine. When creating your pitch, be creative. Don’t send a generic pitch copied from the Internet. The blogger has probably seen that before and will, therefore, just ignore it since that shows you didn’t put any effort. 

Expect some unfriendly responses, but that’s just part of the process. Some bloggers might even tell you what your pitch is lacking before denying you the guest posting opportunity. Take that positively and use the feedback to improve your next pitch.

In your pitch, make sure to show that you are an expert in your niche because bloggers want to see your value. Therefore, always take time to at least go through the target site, read some posted articles, and even see how you could improve their content. That way, the website owners will see that you even took the time to assess their site, making you stand out from other countless pitches they receive daily.

Also, don’t send follow-up emails daily because that will annoy the blogger, which might even get you blocked. Bloggers and editors usually receive a ton of emails, making it hard to read them all in a day. So, you should wait for at least one week before following up to avoid seeming pushy. You have probably seen some bloggers sharing screenshots on their social media pages of the annoying messages they receive. Some bloggers might even include your name in the screenshot, hence ruining the chances of getting any valuable guest posting chance from other bloggers.

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5. Create the content

This step is crucial because it determines whether your article will be published on the desired website. So, you must put maximum effort into creating high-quality content. This means that the submitted article must be original, comprehensive, relevant, and engaging. That way, your content will have a higher chance of being accepted and published without many revision requests from the publisher.

If you are allowed to place some links to your website in the author bio, don’t get greedy. Going overboard with your links might also make the content rejected. Remember to create an author bio that shows your persona to help connect with the target audience who may check out your website later and become regular visitors if they love your work. Sometimes, potential bloggers might even notice your post and message you for a guest posting opportunity on their websites. Therefore, it’s vital that you monitor your guest posts because some influencers might comment, and you should be there to respond professionally.

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6. Maintain your relationship

Even after getting your article published on an authoritative website, make sure to keep in touch with the owner. That helps maintain a healthy and professional relationship, thus making it even easier to get another guest blogging chance in the future.

Who Do We Work With?

To ensure diversity, we provide our guest blogging service to these groups:

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Online Businesses

If you are a small or established business that wants to achieve an excellent online presence, then we are here for you. We help you get your articles published on renowned websites in your niche. That enables your business to get noticed by a bigger and relevant audience, hence increasing organic traffic to your business website. Meanwhile, you can be handling other aspects of your business to guarantee even more success.

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SEO Agencies and Marketers

If you have been hired to build quality links for your SEO client, you need guest blogging services. Finding a writer who will provide top-notch and irresistible content to bloggers can be quite tricky. We can help you create great guest posts and publish them on your client’s target website. Additionally, we grant you access to the white-label report so you can see the hard work that we have done.

Benefits of our Guest Posting Service

Now that you understand what guest posting is and its best practices let us discuss some of its major benefits. These benefits are:

1. Helps You Reach Your Target Audience Effectively

Publishing a guest post on a high-ranking website in your niche enables you to reach a huge and relevant audience even with a single post. That’s why you must always produce quality content if your guest posting pitch is accepted to help show the audience that they can get even more interesting and relevant information on your site.

2. Expands Your Personal Network

Reaching influencers is easy nowadays since you can just contact them through social media. However, getting a guest posting chance is usually tricky, but once you are in, then everything becomes easier. Some websites even have a community of contributors where you meet other bloggers who might even request you to guest post on their websites.

After getting your content published on influencer websites, you could also suggest that they guest post on your site if interested. Depending on the influencer, you might be offered a great deal that benefits both of you. If you publish an influencer’s article on your website, it will make you look like an authority in your industry hence getting you more organic traffic and even guest post requests.

If you are added to a contributor’s community, make sure you stay active. So, often leave some valuable comments on other people’s posts or even share resourceful posts.

3. Makes Your Content Shareable

If the publishing website is active on social media and its content gets shared a lot, then there is a high chance that your article will receive many shares too. However, you can speed up that process by including infographics in your content to make it more interesting and worth sharing on social media.

4. Boosts Your Following

By sharing your content on social media platforms, that means your target audience loved it. Therefore, many people will visit your pages and blog to see if they can find even more helpful content. If they do, they’ll undoubtedly follow you to always get notified whenever you post a new article. This helps you quickly grow your social media following and even boost traffic. If possible, always include links to your social media pages when guest posting. That way, the publishing site’s audience can easily check your social media channels to access more content.

Even after increasing your social media followers, don’t lower your efforts. Regularly post valuable content on your pages, so you continue giving your followers a reason to stick around.

5. Improves Your Link Profile

Most websites don’t usually pay for guest posts, but they can allow you to leave some links to your website. A keyword-optimized link can help you receive more traffic, make your content discoverable by search engine rankings, and even boost your SEO results. Also, a link from an authoritative website enables you to easily improve your link profile.

In the above sections, we’ve discussed the best practices of white label guest blogging services and their primary benefits. So, you now know what guest posting can do for your business. You have also seen that the process can be quite tricky and may require some professional input from highly-qualified SEO experts such as Healthy Links. In the following sections, we’ll show you what we do, why you should consider our guest post services, and even answer some frequently asked questions.

Why Agencies Outsource Their Guest Posting to Healthy Links


1. Pre-vetting process

Before starting your order, we usually check if it has a high Domain Authority and Page Rank. Besides that, a site must also have high organic traffic, a great trust flow to citation flow, and a professional design. All these factors help ensure that your guest post is published on a valuable site that will enable you to achieve the SEO results you want.


2. Fast ordering process

We usually provide you with all the information you need about our guest posting packages so you can quickly choose the most suitable site for the guest post. If you need some samples or any additional information, we immediately send them to you to prove that we can fulfil our promises. You can even wait until we’ve sent you some site suggestions before you place an order. That way, you can evaluate the results to expect from the suggested websites depending on their SEO metrics.


3. Choose anchors and urls

At Healthy Links, we usually allow you to choose the specific target URL and the anchor texts to be used in the guest blog. Doing this ensures more client satisfaction and increases the chances of getting better results from the keywords. However, if the publishing website has an issue with the anchor text or anything else, we immediately inform you so we can know the way forward.


4. Competitor Analysis

Our SEO agency also helps you analyze your competitors and see how many links your website requires to outdo them. For competitor analysis, we use various tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, and BuzzSumo.


5. Native Writers and Editors

We have a team of native content writers who are highly experienced in SEO guest posting. Therefore, expect high-quality, easy-to-read, and error-free work from us. Our editors also make sure the content is plagiarism-free and ready to publish before submitting it to the bloggers. When it comes to the word count, we usually let you choose what you want. 500 words are usually the minimum, but you can order a higher word count.


6. Pre-approve your order

After creating the content and  finding a domain, we’ll send them to you to check if all the keywords were correctly used and whether there are any changes that you’d want us to make.


7. Fast Turnaround Time

The amount of time it’ll take usually depends on the specified word count and the type of website you want the article to be posted on. However, we always communicate often to let you know of our progress and when you should expect your guest post to go live.


8. Money Back Guarantee

We are qualified SEO experts who believe in what they do. Therefore, our agency always promises to refund the invested money if our white label guest blogging services don’t deliver the promised results.


9. Permanent Links

After your article goes live, it will remain that way for the agreed time. If your link goes missing a short while after publishing, notify us to follow up and get it returned immediately.

Frequently asked questions

All common questions related to our white label guest posting services answered here.

What information is required to place a guest blogging service order?

With our guest posting services, we usually need you to send us your website’s URL and specify the niche you are in so we know the best blogs to target. After picking a site from the suggested list, we then require you to provide the target URL and the anchor text.

Do you usually publish guest posts on websites you own?

No. We collaborate with different authoritative sites in all niches to make it easier to find a great match for your guest post.

How many guest posting links do I need to boost my rankings?

Our packages provide a varying number of links, so it will depend on what you choose. However, we can advise you on the best number of links that your site would need to achieve the desired results.

How long will it take to see results?

The amount of time needed to notice results from our guest posting service totally depends on your industry and the level of market competition. So, we usually evaluate your niche and goals and then estimate the amount of time you should give the project to see results.

    Who will write my content?

    We have a team of professional writers who write all our assigned articles. Our guest posting agency picks an experienced writer in your exact niche to ensure the guest post meets your requirements and ranks on SERPs.

    Why choose Healthy Links?

    Case Study #1

    Organic traffic results for a door company that just started. Our SEO strategy depended on implementing a strong content marketing strategy and saw them blow from zero to competing with stores like Travis Perkins and Screwfix. They’ve told us their phone rings every five minutes with new inbound leads.

    Case Study #2

    Traffic for an ecommerce store that was struggling to get organic traffic. The issue we found was their keywords weren’t correctly implemented and needed stronger backlinks. They also initially followed blackhat SEO techniques which we helped them recover from by disavowing unhealthy links and improving their backlink profile.

    Case Study #3

    Recent traffic for a garden shed company that just started. After two months of doing their SEO we saw them climb the ranks for popular keywords like plastic sheds. Now they’re receiving approximately 500 visitors per day.

    get in touch

    Any questions? Get In Touch.

    Healthy Links is one of the best guest blogging services you will find in the market today. We have dedicated ourselves to providing high-quality services to our clients, which is why we’ve created a remarkable reputation for ourselves. We also use results-driven approaches to ensure we make your SEO dreams come true and that you can continue trusting us with your brand’s projects. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us if you need guest posting services to help you rank higher on SERPs because we are always ready to help.

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    Healthy Links is a link building agency that focusses on delivering effective backlink services for websites that want to rank and increase organic traffic.

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